Thursday 26 January 2012

Laundry day & ice cream.

I was initially inspired by the guys (!!) who decided to collectively wash their lab coats while we were cooking at Øivind's flat last night, and later by the taste of formaldehyde from my water bottle this afternoon....! So I decided to gather everyone else's coats too for the first wash since September. About time man..

 Whiter than ever and ready to go for the anatomy lab next Tuesday ^.^

And just for the record, I made an attempt at baking cinnamon buns last night and managed to kill the yeast A-GAIN >____> so it ended up being flat dough filled with cinnamony-sugary-fat which everyone but me ate with a great conscience. Hence I'm still craving buns and will try again very soon! Though preferably in my own flat when we get a functioning oven (hence why I can't make Bergens-beste-skillingsboller yet, Ina :-/ )

I also tried the strangest ice cream I have ever had today with  Bakaliowe flavour which seems to be a strictly Polish thing consisting of vanilla (?) ice cream, raisins, walnuts and figs:

Don't think it's my favourite cup of anything and I hope my flatmates will finish the tub quickly so we can get a tub of chocolate once the space in the freezer clears out!


1 comment:

  1. Så kjedelig med ovnen deres.. :( Håper dere snart får en ny en ;)Skillingsboller er vel godt uansett om de er høye eller lave ;) <3
