Wednesday 17 October 2012

This is Poland #1: Polish customer service

I've been thinking about starting this category for a while- to explain a few interesting aspects of life in Poland. Not that it's all that strange, but some things do stand out...

So I'm thinking of changing my cellphone provider and had a few questions about which phone to choose, prices according to my usage etc and I thought I'd just get in line for the customer service chat while doing other tasks online... This is what I got:

I'm like..... if you don't speak English, then why even bother with the chit chat???! And clearly he *did* know how to put sentences together so I really don't understand why he couldn't either find someone with skills or simply say "nienienienienienienienienienieninieNIEEEE" like the other honest people who claim not to be able to communicate in anything but Polish, Czech or Russian!

Excellent. Now I actually have to man up and go to the Play shop- it's not like there's a guarantee that the English speaking people on the phone will *actually* speak in English...!



  1. Haha, herlig! :D
    Kanskje du også skulle bytte mobil, så du kan få instagram?! jaa! så kan jeg følge livet ditt i små snapshots :D

  2. Btw. ift den sjekken at jeg ikke er en robot - jeg failer alltid et par ganger før jeg klarer å skrive riktig "kode" - kanskje jeg er en robot..?!? :o
