Monday 10 October 2011

Fresher's flu.

I soooo saw it coming! Now that the official freshers week is over along with the ridiculous month of partying,  I unsurprisingly managed to get a scratchy throat which I feel is going to get worse in a day or two. Staying alive after this past weekend is an accomplishment in itself considering the details which I will only share with anyone who cares to ask me personally. Might as well create a word document to send out :p Anyways, let me use Ann Cecilie's photo to show off the stylishness that was 'casino night':

Fredrik, Danielle, myself and Christian :) 
This is one of the few photos I posed for as the beautiful heels I'm wearing killed me consecutively ever half an hour. I was much happier sitting in a corner enjoying drinks most of the night. Very impressed by everyone looking gorgeous in both dresses and suits though!

It was pouring down on Friday which I think was the catalyst of the cold/flu I'm developing. Rain along with some wind, open shoes which got my feet wet and a thin dress= pathology alert! And the day after I briefly attended the sports day to play "dødball" (imagine baseball with a few tweaks.. yeah, there you have it!), biked in the rain for a while and got ""baptised"" along with the rest of my class in the evening. I now realise it's too late to start taking cod liver oil supplements and protective vitamin C to boost my white cells. Bleh. Strepsils truskawkowy (strawberry flavoured- know your Polish!) will have to do along with kleenex and Olbas (which I'm running out of and would be eternally grateful for if someone in the UK could SEND SOME my way! *hint hint*)

I managed to switch my sports class today by the way which made me very happy. I seem to have missed (dis)organised team sports. Basketball was super fun!
The weather also changed its mood within the blink of an eye last week- no more shorts and 'lets go out and enjoy the sun in sandals and thin cardigans'-weather. To be honest this gives me the opportunity to use the majority of the clothes I brought over at the beginning of September which was mainly stockings and woollen items. I have also bought a new pair of winter-y footwear which I will show off soon. They're very pretty an even match my handbag ^_^ win!

Going back to revise my notes now. Must.stay.organised.!


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